Monday, April 13, 2015

Small Change: Why Revolution Will Not be Tweeted by Malcolm Gladwell

In this essay by Malcolm Gladwell, he captions this "Small Change: Why revolution will not be tweeted."
I see this story as a ripple effect, all it takes is one drop; then it becomes bigger.

"Social networks are particularly effective at increasing motivation," Aaker and Smith write.
"But that's not true, social networks are effective at increasing participation - by lessening the level of motivation that participation requires."

This is where I see the ripple effect that implies to what is said above about lessening the level of motivation required.
Today, due to social networks, it is easy to hit a "like" button on Facebook or "share" to help support a cause, petition, etc but from that, social media has taken away our voice and actions to do something.
In my opinion, back when we would not have social media, but rely on each other, forming a unified group or community to support or have our voice be heard; we would do all we can, such as physically protest and riot.

Hitting like or share is the evidence of what Aaker and Smith write about how it is lessening the level of motivation that participation requires.
Small change, like a ripple can grow bigger and be shared, seen and heard around, but it will eventually die if no one participates and continues that ripple effect.

"Small Change: Why the revolution Will Not be Tweeted" by Malcolm Gladwell (pp 169-180 in 50 E)

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