Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Blame Facebook for my personality disorder.

Drouin, M. (n.d.). Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 608-614. March 2012


Social media allows us to change and conform to who we may not truly be, without even realizing we are changing.
Observing and researching, account users on the popular social media accounts shows a difference in personality pertaining to who they are realistically and cyberly.
 The author lists her research into multiple points and dissects the topics individually that support her research and theory of personality disorders that occur from the use of social media.
She begins with discussing the usage of and social media; where the change occurs in someones character and what contributing factors are that play a role.

1.1. Social media use
1.2. How often and who is posting inappropriate or illegal material online?
1.3. Potential links with personality disorders
2.  Methods
2.1. Participants
2.2. Procedure
2.3. Measures
2.3.1. Posting illegal material
2.3.2. Recording illegal material
2.3.3. Social media use/excessive social media use
2.3.4. Antisocial personality disorder
2.3.5. Borderline personality disorder
3. Results
4. Discussion
4.1. Limitations
4.2. Conclusion

One major factor that opens the door to personality change is the alter-ego like character within us.
Illegal acts, living your life, being in the moment, not giving a damn, and simply having fun.
We are surrounded by so much that media either inhibits or prohibits our thoughts, actions and who we become from environment. A thought leads to words, and words lead to action, and actions can open up new doors for us.
Back to when we did overly use myspace, this pertains to some of the found research.

MySpace references to “health risk behaviors” (i.e., substance use, sexual behavior, and violence) on their web profiles. More than half of the MySpace profiles included in their study contained some reference to a health risk behavior: 41% referenced substance use, 24% referenced sexual behavior, and 14% referenced violence (Drouin, 2012).

Psychologist Albert Bandura discovered with the Bobo doll; how our behavior can be influenced by what we see and do.
We focus on what the world finds important, but also social media makes it all about us, my account, my post, my feed, my opinion etc.
We are focused on us, with all these influences around; we are less focused on who we are becoming and more of who we should become.

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