Monday, April 13, 2015

Public health thanks twitter!

Marathe, M.V.; Ramakrishnan, N. "Recent Advances in Computational Epidemiology",  Intelligent Systems, IEEE, On page(s): 96 - 101 Volume: 28, Issue: 4, July-Aug. 2013

Link :

This Electronic document was a very interesting piece to read and find unique discoveries.
We talk about how social media can distract and also take so much from our lives but ever think it would impact our public health ?
Recent work has come to discover a machine that has demonstrated to learn and process language. This machine utilizes social media such as twitter, and shows promising benefits to public health information.
Twitter is one of the most popularly used and sourced social applications today.

Social media such as Twitter have created platforms for people to broadcast information, thoughts, and feelings about their daily lives (Marathe; Ramakrishnan ,2013).

It is open to the public, which also allows the information of users to be exposed publicly as well.
Studying the aggregation within the tweets posted by many users, it has developed accurate data for diagnosing for certain patients. What we have discovered that are very beneficial and accurate is that within these account users on twitter they expose more openly to what they feel, are going through and have existing in their lives far more greater then expressing that information to their doctor.

Since the beginning of these social apps, we are more automatically inclined to post how we feel faster then we can come up with the words to express orally to another person.
The privacy for the user must still be respected and given but this is a new and profound way public health/research have been transformed and progressed. Without prying the patient or demanding them to express how they feel, we can simply search up their twitter name and we would find more faster and accurate information to use off of rather then trying to have a conversation with them face to face.

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